Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

Jamie Oliver Portuguese Custard Tarts are made with all-butter puff pastry, creme fraiche or heavy cream, superfine sugar, an egg, and an orange. This Portuguese Custard Tarts dessert recipe creates a sweet treat that takes about 30 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.

This Portuguese Tarts Recipe Is From Meals in Minutes Cookbook by Jamie Oliver.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

🧡 Why You’ll Love This Portuguese Tarts Recipe:

  • Easy and Fancy: These tarts look fancy but are very easy to make. They use ready-made puff pastry, which saves a lot of time.
  • You Can Make It Your Own: You can change how sweet the tarts are or add different flavors to the custard. It’s easy to make them just how you like.
  • Great for Any Time: These tarts are perfect for big celebrations or just having coffee with friends. They fit any occasion.
  • Quick to Make: You can make these tarts in about 30 minutes, which is perfect if you have guests coming over soon or need a quick dessert.
  • Yummy Textures: The smooth custard and the crispy pastry make a great mix. Everyone loves the way they taste together.
Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe
Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Ingredients

  • Flour for Dusting
  • 1 large sheet All-Butter Puff Pastry, thawed if frozen
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • 120ml (1/2 cup) Creme Fraiche or Heavy Cream
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Paste or Vanilla Extract
  • 5 tablespoons (70g) Superfine Sugar
  • 1 Orange

đŸ„Ż How To Make Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts 

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Dust a clean surface with flour.
  • Prepare the pastry: Unfold the pastry sheet and cut an 8-inch square. Save the trimmings for another use. Sprinkle the square with ground cinnamon. Roll the pastry tightly from one edge to the other, forming a jelly roll shape, and cut into 6 rounds.
  • Shape the pastry in the muffin pan: Place the rounds in 6 cups of a standard-size muffin pan. Use your thumbs to stretch and mold the pastry into the cups, ensuring the bottom is flat and the sides reach the top. Place in the top shelf of the oven and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until lightly golden.
  • Mix the filling: While the pastry bakes, combine the creme fraiche or heavy cream, egg, vanilla, 1 tablespoon of superfine sugar, and the zest of the orange in a small bowl.
  • Add the filling to the pastry: Once the pastry is lightly golden, remove from the oven. Press down the puffed pastry back to the sides of the cups to make room. Spoon the creme fraiche mixture into each pastry cup.
  • Bake the filled tarts: Return the tarts to the oven and bake for another 8 minutes on the top shelf.
  • Make the caramel: Place a small saucepan on high heat. Add the juice from the zested orange and 1/4 cup of superfine sugar. Stir regularly, watching closely to avoid burning.
  • Finish the tarts: Remove the tarts from the oven. Optionally, drizzle some caramel over each tart. Allow to set before serving.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Don’t Overwork the Pastry: When shaping the pastry in the muffin cups, be gentle. Overworking puff pastry can cause it to lose its light, flaky texture.
  • Zest the Orange Properly: Ensure to only zest the orange part of the peel and avoid the white pith underneath, which is very bitter. This keeps the flavor fresh and vibrant.
  • Watch the Caramel Closely: If you choose to add the caramel, keep a close eye on it as it cooks. Sugar can burn very quickly and easily turn from caramelized to burnt.
  • Oven Position is Key: Placing the tarts on the top shelf of the oven helps the pastry cook through and turn golden without burning. This position gets the most heat and is ideal for baking these tarts.
Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe
Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

🍹 What To Serve With Portuguese Tarts?

Portuguese Custard Tarts pair well with a light vanilla ice cream, fresh berries, whipped cream, or a dusting of powdered sugar. They can also be served alongside a hot cup of coffee, tea, a glass of dessert wine, or a sparkling water.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Portuguese Tarts?

  • Keep in the fridge: Put the tarts in a container that closes tightly and keep them in the fridge for 3 days.
  • Keep in the freezer: You can freeze the tarts without the caramel. Wrap them well and freeze for up to a month. Thaw them in the fridge and add caramel when you’re ready to eat them.

đŸ„” How To Reheat Leftovers Portuguese Tarts?

  • In The Oven: Reheat the tarts in the oven at 180°C (350°F) for about 5-10 minutes, or until warmed through.
  • In The Microwave: Heat the tarts in the microwave on high for about 30 seconds. Be careful not to overheat as the pastry can become soggy.


Can I Use Store-bought Custard Instead Of Making It From Scratch?

Yes, you can use store-bought custard for a quicker alternative, but making it from scratch with fresh ingredients enhances the flavor.

How Do I Prevent The Pastry From Puffing Up Too Much During The Initial Baking?

You can dock (lightly prick) the pastry with a fork before baking to allow steam to escape and prevent excessive puffing.

How Can I Ensure The Caramel Doesn’t Harden Too Much?

Cook the caramel to a lower temperature, or add a little cream to the caramel to make it softer and more pourable.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Nutrition Facts:

  • Calories: 110
  • Total Fat: 5.4 g
  • Saturated Fat: 3.2 g
  • Trans Fat: 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol: 41.4 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 14.1 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0.4 g
  • Total Sugars: 6.7 g
  • Sodium: 18.5 mg
  • Protein: 1.5 g

Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 20 minutesRest time: 5 minutesTotal time: 40 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:110 kcal Best Season:Summer


Jamie Oliver Portuguese Custard Tarts are made with all-butter puff pastry, creme fraiche or heavy cream, superfine sugar, an egg, and an orange. This Portuguese Custard Tarts dessert recipe creates a sweet treat that takes about 30 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.



  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Dust a clean surface with flour.
  2. Prepare the pastry: Unfold the pastry sheet and cut an 8-inch square. Save the trimmings for another use. Sprinkle the square with ground cinnamon. Roll the pastry tightly from one edge to the other, forming a jelly roll shape, and cut into 6 rounds.
  3. Shape the pastry in the muffin pan: Place the rounds in 6 cups of a standard-size muffin pan. Use your thumbs to stretch and mold the pastry into the cups, ensuring the bottom is flat and the sides reach the top. Place in the top shelf of the oven and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until lightly golden.
  4. Mix the filling: While the pastry bakes, combine the creme fraiche or heavy cream, egg, vanilla, 1 tablespoon of superfine sugar, and the zest of the orange in a small bowl.
  5. Add the filling to the pastry: Once the pastry is lightly golden, remove from the oven. Press down the puffed pastry back to the sides of the cups to make room. Spoon the creme fraiche mixture into each pastry cup.
  6. Bake the filled tarts: Return the tarts to the oven and bake for another 8 minutes on the top shelf.
  7. Make the caramel: Place a small saucepan on high heat. Add the juice from the zested orange and 1/4 cup of superfine sugar. Stir regularly, watching closely to avoid burning.
  8. Finish the tarts: Remove the tarts from the oven. Optionally, drizzle some caramel over each tart. Allow to set before serving.


  • Don’t Overwork the Pastry: When shaping the pastry in the muffin cups, be gentle. Overworking puff pastry can cause it to lose its light, flaky texture.
  • Zest the Orange Properly: Ensure to only zest the orange part of the peel and avoid the white pith underneath, which is very bitter. This keeps the flavor fresh and vibrant.
  • Watch the Caramel Closely: If you choose to add the caramel, keep a close eye on it as it cooks. Sugar can burn very quickly and easily turn from caramelized to burnt.
  • Oven Position is Key: Placing the tarts on the top shelf of the oven helps the pastry cook through and turn golden without burning. This position gets the most heat and is ideal for baking these tarts.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Portuguese Tarts Recipe

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