Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon features boneless, skin-on salmon, grated beetroot, kosher salt, white sugar, gin or vodka, lemon zest, black peppercorns, juniper berries, and coriander seeds. This recipe requires a total time of 48 hours for curing and serves approximately four people.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

🧡 Why You’ll Love This Cured Salmon Recipe:

  • Exquisite Flavor Fusion: The combination of beetroot, salt, sugar, and aromatic spices creates a unique and tantalizing flavor profile.
  • Visually Stunning Dish: The vibrant pink color of the beetroot-infused salmon adds a visually striking element to your meal presentation.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential nutrients, offering a wholesome and nutritious dining experience.

❓ What Is Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon Recipe?

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon is a dish made with boneless, skin-on salmon, grated beetroots, kosher salt, sugar, gin or vodka, lemon zest, black peppercorns, and optional juniper berries and coriander seeds.

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon
Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

🐠 Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon Ingredients

  • 2 lb Salmon *see notes* boneless, skin on, the whole filet
  • 14 oz Beetroot raw. peeled, grated
  • 1 cup Kosher salt NOT table salt.
  • ½ cup White sugar
  • ¼ cup Gin or vodka
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon zest
  • 4 teaspoon Black peppercorns
  • 4 teaspoon Juniper berries optional
  • 4 teaspoon Coriander seeds optional, recommended

🍣 How To Make Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

  1. Ensure the salmon is a rectangular piece weighing
  2. Peel and dice medium-sized beets to yield approximately after peeling.
  3. Combine chopped beets,kosher salt, a cup of sugar, coriander, black peppercorns, lemon zest, and a cup of gin/vodka in a food processor.
  4. Pulse until the mixture is soupy but still has some texture.
  5. Lay plastic wrap vertically and horizontally on a sheet pan.
  6. Spread the beet mixture evenly on the plastic wrap, then place the salmon flesh side down on top.
  7. Pour the curing mixture onto the exposed skin side of the salmon, ensuring thorough coverage.
  8. Wrap the salmon tightly like a burrito, using extra plastic wrap to prevent leakage.
  9. Refrigerate the wrapped salmon for at least 48 hours, then remove, rinse, pat dry, optionally air dry for 12-24 hours, and slice thinly before serving.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Uniform Thickness: Ensure the salmon is evenly sliced for consistent curing and flavor absorption.
  • Quality Ingredients: Use fresh, high-quality salmon and beetroots for the best results.
  • Even Distribution: Spread the curing mixture evenly to ensure every part of the salmon is flavored.
Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon
Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

🥗 What To Serve With Beetroot Cured Salmon?

Serve beetroot cured salmon with  Mexican Salad, Quinoa Salad, Egg Salad, Scotch Eggs, Cheesy Welsh Rarebit,Stuffed Mushrooms, Romesco Sauce, Sardine Spaghetti, and Cauliflower Risotto.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Beetroot Cured Salmon?

  • In The Fridge: Store leftovers beetroot cured salmon in an airtight container for 3 days.
  • In The Feezer: Store leftovers beetroot cured salmon in a freezer-safe container for 2 months.


Is It Necessary To Peel The Beetroots Before Grating?

Yes, peeling the beetroots before grating ensures a smoother texture and removes any dirt or impurities.

What Should I Do If The Salmon Is Not Fully Covered With The Curing Mixture?

Ensure thorough coverage by pouring additional mixture or spreading it evenly with a spatula to ensure proper curing.

Can I Skip The Plastic Wrap And Use Another Method For Wrapping The Salmon?

While plastic wrap is recommended for sealing in flavors and ensuring even curing, you can use alternative methods such as parchment paper or foil if preferred.

Can I Use Ground Spices Instead Of Whole Peppercorns And Coriander Seeds?

Yes, ground spices can be used as a substitute for whole peppercorns and coriander seeds, but adjust the quantity accordingly for desired flavor intensity.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon Nutrition Facts:

  • Calories: 132kcal 
  • Carbohydrates: 10g 
  • Protein: 12g 
  • Fat: 4g 
  • Saturated Fat: 1g 
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g 
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 1g 
  • Cholesterol: 31mg 
  • Sodium: 7118mg 
  • Potassium: 381mg 
  • Fiber: 1g 
  • Sugar: 8g 
  • Calcium: 24mg 
  • Iron: 1mg

Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: minutesRest time:48 hours Total time:48 hours 30 minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:132 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon features boneless, skin-on salmon, grated beetroot, kosher salt, white sugar, gin or vodka, lemon zest, black peppercorns, juniper berries, and coriander seeds. This recipe requires a total time of 48 hours for curing and serves approximately four people.



  1. Ensure the salmon is a rectangular piece weighing
  2. Peel and dice medium-sized beets to yield approximately after peeling.
  3. Combine chopped beets,kosher salt, a cup of sugar, coriander, black peppercorns, lemon zest, and a cup of gin/vodka in a food processor.
  4. Pulse until the mixture is soupy but still has some texture.
  5. Lay plastic wrap vertically and horizontally on a sheet pan.
  6. Spread the beet mixture evenly on the plastic wrap, then place the salmon flesh side down on top.
  7. Pour the curing mixture onto the exposed skin side of the salmon, ensuring thorough coverage.
  8. Wrap the salmon tightly like a burrito, using extra plastic wrap to prevent leakage.
  9. Refrigerate the wrapped salmon for at least 48 hours, then remove, rinse, pat dry, optionally air dry for 12-24 hours, and slice thinly before serving.


  • Uniform Thickness: Ensure the salmon is evenly sliced for consistent curing and flavor absorption.
    Quality Ingredients: Use fresh, high-quality salmon and beetroots for the best results.
    Even Distribution: Spread the curing mixture evenly to ensure every part of the salmon is flavored.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Beetroot Cured Salmon

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