Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

Jamie Oliver BBQ Baked Beans is made with red onions, garlic, fresh red chili, large carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed beans, BBQ sauce, and fresh rosemary. This easy BBQ Baked Beans recipe creates a hearty dinner that takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.

This Bbq Baked Beans Recipe Is From Save With Jamie Cookbook By Jamie Oliver.

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🧡 Why You’ll Love This Bbq Baked Beans Recipe:

  • Tasty and Filling: This recipe has lots of flavors, with different spices, fresh veggies, and beans. It’s very satisfying and great for a main meal.
  • Goes Well with Many Sides: You can serve these baked beans and sweet potatoes with different things, so it’s good for many kinds of meals.
  • Healthy Ingredients: It uses lots of vegetables and beans, which are good for you. They give you fiber and vitamins.
  • Great for Making Ahead: This dish is easy to reheat, so you can make it ahead of time and it will still taste great later.
  • Everyone Will Like It: It’s not too spicy and has lots of good flavors, so both adults and kids will enjoy it.
Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans
Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

🧅 Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans Ingredients

  • 2 Red Onions
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 Fresh Red Chilli
  • 2 large Carrots
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Olive Oil, plus a little extra
  • 1 heaped teaspoon Sweet Smoked Paprika
  • 1 level teaspoon Cumin Seeds
  • 1 level teaspoon Dried Chilli Flakes
  • 6 medium Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 x 700 ml jar of Passata (about 3 cups)
  • 2 x 400 g tins of Mixed Beans (about 2 x 14 oz)
  • 100 ml (about 1/3 cup) Quality BBQ Sauce
  • A few sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
  • ½ a loaf of Ciabatta or Stale Bread
  • 40 g (about 1.5 oz) Cheddar Cheese, optional
  • Fat-free Natural Yoghurt, to serve
  • Sea Salt and Black Pepper, to taste
  • Water, as needed
  • Simple Green Salad, for serving

🍛 How To Make Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

  1. Prepare the Vegetables: First, preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4. Begin by peeling the onions and garlic. Finely slice these along with the red chilli. Next, peel and roughly chop the carrots. Take a large roasting tray and combine the onions, garlic, chilli, and carrots. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle over the paprika, cumin seeds, and chilli flakes.
  2. Cook the Vegetable Mixture: Place the tray on a medium heat on the stove and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the vegetables have softened. Stir them regularly to prevent burning and ensure even cooking.
  3. Prepare the Sweet Potatoes: While the vegetables are cooking, wash the sweet potatoes well. Rub them with a little olive oil and season with sea salt and black pepper. Place them on a separate baking tray and set aside.
  4. Combine the Sauce Ingredients: After the vegetables have softened, stir the passata into the vegetable mixture. Add a splash of water to the empty passata jar, swirl it around to get the remaining sauce, and pour it into the tray. Also add the mixed beans with their juice and the BBQ sauce. Stir everything together well and season lightly with salt and pepper.
  5. Bake the Bean Mixture: Chop the rosemary leaves and toss them with a little olive oil. Sprinkle them over the bean mixture. Place the tray in the oven and bake for about 1 hour, or until the mixture is bubbling and delicious. Add a splash of water during baking if the mixture seems too thick.
  6. Bake the Sweet Potatoes: Put the tray of seasoned sweet potatoes into the oven along with the beans. They should bake until soft and fully cooked through, about 1 hour.
  7. Make the Croutons: About 20 minutes before the beans are done, tear the ciabatta into rough chunks and toss them with a bit of olive oil in another roasting tray. If using Cheddar cheese, grate it over the bread. Place this tray on the bottom shelf of the oven and bake until the croutons are crispy and golden, about 15 minutes.
  8. Serve: Remove everything from the oven. Open up the sweet potatoes and serve them alongside the baked beans. Add dollops of yoghurt and sprinkle with the homemade croutons. Serve with a simple green salad to complete the meal.

đź’­ Recipe Tips

  • Watch the Vegetables: Keep checking the onions, garlic, and carrots as they cook. Stir them often so they cook evenly and taste good.
  • Season Sweet Potatoes: Make sure to add enough salt, pepper, and oil to the sweet potatoes before baking. This makes them crispy outside and soft inside.
  • Check Sauce Thickness: Watch the beans in the oven. If they get too thick, add some water to keep them moist and delicious.
  • Choose Good BBQ Sauce: The flavor of the beans depends a lot on the BBQ sauce. Use a high-quality sauce that tastes smoky and slightly spicy.
  • Bread for Croutons: If using fresh bread for croutons, let it dry out a bit first. Stale bread makes crunchier croutons, which are great with the beans and potatoes.
Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans
Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

🥗 What Pairs Nicely With Bbq Baked Beans?

BBQ Baked Beans pairs well with grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, roasted corn, or a baked potato. It also can be served alongside a crisp garden salad, garlic bread, sautéed greens, or coleslaw.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Bbq Baked Beans?

  • Refrigerate: Store the leftover BBQ baked beans in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  • Freeze: Freeze the baked beans in a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

How To Reheat Leftovers Bbq Baked Beans?

  • In The Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Place the beans in an oven-safe dish and cover with foil. Heat for about 20-25 minutes or until hot.
  • In The Microwave: Put the beans in a microwave-safe container and cover. Heat on high for about 3-4 minutes, stirring halfway through.
  • On the Stove: Reheat the beans in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir often and add a little water if they seem too thick. Heat until they are warm throughout.


Can I Use Different Beans?

Yes, feel free to use any canned beans like kidney or black beans.

What If I Don’t Have Ciabatta Bread?

Any hard bread like baguette or sourdough is fine for making croutons.

How Do I Keep The Sweet Potatoes From Getting Too Soft?

Bake them whole and check if they’re soft with a fork, but they should still keep their shape.

Can I Add Meat?

Yes, bacon or chorizo are great additions.

What If The Beans Are Too Watery?

ook them longer or mash some beans to make the sauce thicker.

Try More Jamie Oliver Recipes:

Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 443
  • Total Fat 5.2g
  • Saturated Fat 1g
  • Total Carbs 87g
  • Dietary Fiber 10.3g
  • Total Sugars 29.4g
  • Protein 13.6g

Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time:1 hour 20 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time:1 hour 40 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:443 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver BBQ Baked Beans is made with red onions, garlic, fresh red chili, large carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed beans, BBQ sauce, and fresh rosemary. This easy BBQ Baked Beans recipe creates a hearty dinner that takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.



  1. Prepare the Vegetables: First, preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4. Begin by peeling the onions and garlic. Finely slice these along with the red chilli. Next, peel and roughly chop the carrots. Take a large roasting tray and combine the onions, garlic, chilli, and carrots. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle over the paprika, cumin seeds, and chilli flakes.
  2. Cook the Vegetable Mixture: Place the tray on a medium heat on the stove and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the vegetables have softened. Stir them regularly to prevent burning and ensure even cooking.
  3. Prepare the Sweet Potatoes: While the vegetables are cooking, wash the sweet potatoes well. Rub them with a little olive oil and season with sea salt and black pepper. Place them on a separate baking tray and set aside.
  4. Combine the Sauce Ingredients: After the vegetables have softened, stir the passata into the vegetable mixture. Add a splash of water to the empty passata jar, swirl it around to get the remaining sauce, and pour it into the tray. Also add the mixed beans with their juice and the BBQ sauce. Stir everything together well and season lightly with salt and pepper.
  5. Bake the Bean Mixture: Chop the rosemary leaves and toss them with a little olive oil. Sprinkle them over the bean mixture. Place the tray in the oven and bake for about 1 hour, or until the mixture is bubbling and delicious. Add a splash of water during baking if the mixture seems too thick.
  6. Bake the Sweet Potatoes: Put the tray of seasoned sweet potatoes into the oven along with the beans. They should bake until soft and fully cooked through, about 1 hour.
  7. Make the Croutons: About 20 minutes before the beans are done, tear the ciabatta into rough chunks and toss them with a bit of olive oil in another roasting tray. If using Cheddar cheese, grate it over the bread. Place this tray on the bottom shelf of the oven and bake until the croutons are crispy and golden, about 15 minutes.
  8. Serve: Remove everything from the oven. Open up the sweet potatoes and serve them alongside the baked beans. Add dollops of yoghurt and sprinkle with the homemade croutons. Serve with a simple green salad to complete the meal.


  • Watch the Vegetables: Keep checking the onions, garlic, and carrots as they cook. Stir them often so they cook evenly and taste good.
  • Season Sweet Potatoes: Make sure to add enough salt, pepper, and oil to the sweet potatoes before baking. This makes them crispy outside and soft inside.
  • Check Sauce Thickness: Watch the beans in the oven. If they get too thick, add some water to keep them moist and delicious.
  • Choose Good BBQ Sauce: The flavor of the beans depends a lot on the BBQ sauce. Use a high-quality sauce that tastes smoky and slightly spicy.
  • Bread for Croutons: If using fresh bread for croutons, let it dry out a bit first. Stale bread makes crunchier croutons, which are great with the beans and potatoes.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Bbq Baked Beans

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