Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail is made with gin, caster sugar syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, blackberry jam, ice cubes, and soda water. This easy Bramble Cocktail recipe creates a delicious cocktail that takes about 10 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 1 person.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

🧡 Why You’ll Love This Bramble Cocktail Recipe:

  • Tasty and Refreshing: This drink has a mix of gin, lemon, and blackberry jam that tastes fruity and refreshing. It’s great for any time.
  • Easy to Make: This recipe is quick and simple, so anyone can make it, whether you’re new to cocktails or have made them before.
  • Sweetness You Control: You can make your own sugar syrup to get the sweetness just right for your taste.
  • Looks Great: Adding a blackberry on top makes the drink look fancy and is sure to impress your friends.
  • Good Any Time: You can enjoy this drink in any season, whether to cool off in summer or to relax in winter.
Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail
Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

🍇 Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail Ingredients

  • 50 ml gin
  • 2 teaspoons caster sugar syrup (see tip below)
  • 15 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon blackberry jam or jelly
  • ice cubes
  • soda water
  • 1 blackberry (optional, for garnish)

🍹 How To Make Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

  1. Mix Ingredients: Mix the gin, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and blackberry jam or jelly well in a small jug.
  2. Fill the Glass: Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  3. Combine and Serve: Pour the mixture into the glass, then top up with soda water. Garnish with a blackberry if you like.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Chill the Glass: Put your glass in the freezer for 10 minutes before making the drink. This keeps it cold longer.
  • Use Fresh Lemon Juice: Fresh lemon juice tastes much better than bottled. Squeeze a fresh lemon for the best flavor.
  • Pick Good Gin: Use good quality gin for the best taste. A good gin makes the drink taste great.
  • Make Your Own Sugar Syrup: Making your own sugar syrup helps you get the right sweetness. It’s easy to do and makes the drink better.
  • Stir Well: Mix the gin, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and blackberry jam well before adding soda water. This makes sure the flavors blend nicely.
  • Simple Sugar Syrup: Use demerara or white caster sugar. Mix two parts sugar to one part boiling water in a small pan. Stir until dissolved, cool, then bottle for later use.
Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail
Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

🍣 What To Serve With Bramble Cocktail?

Bramble Cocktail goes well with cheese platters, smoked salmon, bruschetta, or cucumber sandwiches. It also can be served with fresh fruit salads, charcuterie boards, roasted nuts, or vegetable snacks.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Bramble Cocktail?

  • In the fridge: Store Leftovers Bramble Cocktail in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  • In the freezer: Freeze Leftovers Bramble Cocktail in an ice tray for refreshing cocktail ice cubes, lasting up to a month.


What Is A Bramble Cocktail?

A Bramble cocktail is a classic British drink made with gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, and blackberry liqueur or jam. It’s known for its refreshing and fruity flavor.

Are Bramble Cocktails Gluten-free?

Yes, Bramble cocktails are generally gluten-free. All the ingredients used in a typical Bramble, including gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, and blackberry jam, do not contain gluten.

Can I Use Frozen Blackberries Instead Of Fresh?

Yes, you can use frozen blackberries for garnish if fresh ones are not available. Just thaw them before using.

Can I Use Lemonade Instead Of Soda Water?

Yes, you can use lemonade instead of soda water for a sweeter, fizzy version of the cocktail.

Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail Nutrition Fact

  • Calories:74
  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Saturated Fat: 0g
  • Total Carbs: 7g
  • Net Carbs: 7g
  • Total Sugars: 7g

Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: minutesRest time: minutesTotal time: 10 minutesServings:1 servingsCalories:74 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail is made with gin, caster sugar syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, blackberry jam, ice cubes, and soda water. This easy Bramble Cocktail recipe creates a delicious cocktail that takes about 10 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 1 person.



  1. Mix Ingredients: Mix the gin, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and blackberry jam or jelly well in a small jug.
  2. Fill the Glass: Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  3. Combine and Serve: Pour the mixture into the glass, then top up with soda water. Garnish with a blackberry if you like.


  • Chill the Glass: Put your glass in the freezer for 10 minutes before making the drink. This keeps it cold longer.
  • Use Fresh Lemon Juice: Fresh lemon juice tastes much better than bottled. Squeeze a fresh lemon for the best flavor.
  • Pick Good Gin: Use good quality gin for the best taste. A good gin makes the drink taste great.
  • Make Your Own Sugar Syrup: Making your own sugar syrup helps you get the right sweetness. It’s easy to do and makes the drink better.
  • Stir Well: Mix the gin, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and blackberry jam well before adding soda water. This makes sure the flavors blend nicely.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Bramble Cocktail

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