Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

Jamie Oliver Cheese and Potato Pie is made of Maris Piper potatoes, Cheddar cheese, unsalted butter, semi-skimmed milk, baked beans, sea salt, black pepper, and nutmeg. This creamy Cheese and Potato Pie recipe give you a hearty dinner that takes about 50 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.

This Recipe Is From Jamie’s Food Tube: The Family Cookbook.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

💛 Why You’ll Love This Cheese And Potato Pie Recipe:

  • Very Comforting: This dish is very comforting with creamy potatoes and tasty beans.
  • You Can Change It: Make the recipe simple or add more things like peppers and tomatoes to the beans.
  • Lots of Cheese: There is a lot of cheese that melts and tastes great.
  • Good for Any Time: This dish is good for family dinners or special times.
  • Fills You Up: It has lots of potatoes and beans, which make you full and happy.
Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie
Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

🥔 Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie Ingredients

  • 2 x 400 g tins of baked beans
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1.5 kg of Maris Piper potatoes or King Edward potatoes, peeled
  • 1 large knob of unsalted butter
  • 100 ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 1 whole nutmeg, for grating
  • 150 g Cheddar cheese

Optional For Enhanced Beans:

  • 1 large onion, peeled
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 2 red peppers, deseeded
  • 1-2 fresh red chillies
  • Olive oil
  • 2 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves picked
  • 3 large ripe tomatoes

🥘 How To Make Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

  1. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 220°C/425°F/gas 7.
  2. Prepare the Optional Enhanced Beans (if using): Finely slice the onion, garlic, peppers, and chilli. In a pan over medium heat, add a splash of olive oil, the chopped veggies, and thyme. Fry until softened (about 8 minutes). Add diced tomatoes and cook until reduced to a jammy consistency (about 5 minutes). Add the beans and simmer for 5 more minutes. Season to taste.
  3. Prepare the Baking Tray: If not enhancing the beans, pour them directly into a 20cm x 30cm baking tray. If enhanced, spread the cooked bean mixture into the tray.
  4. Cook the Potatoes: Quarter the potatoes, placing smaller ones halved, into boiling salted water. Cook until tender, about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Make the Cheesy Mash: Drain the potatoes and let them steam dry for a few minutes. Return them to the pan, add butter and about 75ml of milk, and mash until smooth. Stir in a few gratings of nutmeg, grate in one-third of the cheese, and season as needed.
  6. Assemble the Pie: Spread the cheesy mash evenly over the beans in the baking tray. Grate the remaining cheese on top.
  7. Bake and Serve: Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the beans are heated through, and the cheese is melted and golden. Serve the pie with a crisp green salad and homemade coleslaw.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Potato Choice: Use starchy potatoes like Maris Piper or King Edward for the best mash. They are fluffier and absorb the milk and butter better, making your mash creamier.
  • Cheese Grating: Grate the cheese finely to ensure it melts evenly over the top and creates a delicious golden crust.
  • Season Properly: Don’t forget to season each layer as you cook. Proper seasoning of both the beans and the mash will enhance all the flavors.
  • Baking Until Bubbling: Bake the pie until you see a golden color and bubbling around the edges to ensure the layers are heated through and the cheese is perfectly melted.
Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie
Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

🥗 What To Serve With Cheese And Potato Pie?

Cheese and Potato Pie pairs well with a crisp green salad, steamed broccoli, garlic bread, or roasted carrots. It also can be served alongside homemade coleslaw, sweet corn, sautéed spinach, or cucumber salad for a delicious, hearty meal.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Cheese And Potato Pie?

  • Keep in the Fridge: Put the pie in a tight container and keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days. Keep in the Freezer: You can freeze the pie in a covered container for up to 1 month. Make sure to thaw it in the fridge overnight before reheating.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Cheese And Potato Pie?

  • In The Oven: Reheat the pie at 350°F (175°C) for about 20 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
  • In The Microwave: Reheat slices on medium power for 2-3 minutes, stirring in between if possible.
  • On the Stovetop: Heat slices in a covered skillet over medium heat until warm throughout.


Can I Use A Different Type Of Potato For This Recipe?

Yes, you can use other starchy potatoes like Russets if Maris Piper or King Edward potatoes are not available. These alternatives also provide a fluffy, creamy texture.

What Type Of Beans Work Best For This Recipe?

Standard baked beans in tomato sauce are perfect for this recipe. If you prefer a different flavor, you can try using beans in a spicy tomato sauce for an extra kick.

Is It Possible To Prepare This Dish Ahead Of Time?

Absolutely, you can assemble the pie a day in advance and store it in the refrigerator. Just add a few extra minutes to the baking time when you’re ready to cook it.

What’s The Best Way To Thicken The Bean Mixture If It’s Too Watery?

If your bean mixture feels too watery after cooking, you can simmer it a bit longer to reduce or mix in a tablespoon of tomato paste to help thicken it.

How Do I Prevent The Pie From Becoming Soggy?

Make sure to drain the beans well and cook down the tomatoes until they are thick to prevent excess moisture from making the pie soggy.

My Cheese Isn’t Browning On Top, What Can I Do?

If the cheese isn’t browning, you can turn on the broiler for a few minutes at the end of baking. Keep a close eye on it to ensure it doesn’t burn.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie Nutrition Fact:

  • Calories: 476
  • Fat: 14.3g
  • Saturates: 7.7g
  • Sugars: 16.3g
  • Protein: 19.7g
  • Carbs: 71.7g

Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time: 50 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time:1 hour 10 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:476 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Cheese and Potato Pie is made of Maris Piper potatoes, Cheddar cheese, unsalted butter, semi-skimmed milk, baked beans, sea salt, black pepper, and nutmeg. This creamy Cheese and Potato Pie recipe give you a hearty dinner that takes about 50 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.


  • Optional For Enhanced Beans:


  1. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 220°C/425°F/gas 7.
  2. Prepare the Optional Enhanced Beans (if using): Finely slice the onion, garlic, peppers, and chilli. In a pan over medium heat, add a splash of olive oil, the chopped veggies, and thyme. Fry until softened (about 8 minutes). Add diced tomatoes and cook until reduced to a jammy consistency (about 5 minutes). Add the beans and simmer for 5 more minutes. Season to taste.
  3. Prepare the Baking Tray: If not enhancing the beans, pour them directly into a 20cm x 30cm baking tray. If enhanced, spread the cooked bean mixture into the tray.
  4. Cook the Potatoes: Quarter the potatoes, placing smaller ones halved, into boiling salted water. Cook until tender, about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Make the Cheesy Mash: Drain the potatoes and let them steam dry for a few minutes. Return them to the pan, add butter and about 75ml of milk, and mash until smooth. Stir in a few gratings of nutmeg, grate in one-third of the cheese, and season as needed.
  6. Assemble the Pie: Spread the cheesy mash evenly over the beans in the baking tray. Grate the remaining cheese on top.
  7. Bake and Serve: Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the beans are heated through, and the cheese is melted and golden. Serve the pie with a crisp green salad and homemade coleslaw.


  • Potato Choice: Use starchy potatoes like Maris Piper or King Edward for the best mash. They are fluffier and absorb the milk and butter better, making your mash creamier.
  • Cheese Grating: Grate the cheese finely to ensure it melts evenly over the top and creates a delicious golden crust.
  • Season Properly: Don’t forget to season each layer as you cook. Proper seasoning of both the beans and the mash will enhance all the flavors.
  • Baking Until Bubbling: Bake the pie until you see a golden color and bubbling around the edges to ensure the layers are heated through and the cheese is perfectly melted.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Cheese And Potato Pie

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