Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce is made with fresh cranberries, eating apples, unsalted butter, maple syrup, fresh thyme, and spiced rum. This easy Cranberry Sauce recipe creates a tasty sauce that takes about 20 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 8 people.

This Recipe From Jamie Oliver’s Christmas Cookbook.

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💗 Why You’ll Love This Cranberry Sauce Recipe:

  • Great Taste: This sauce mixes sour cranberries, sweet syrup, and earthy thyme for a perfect taste. It goes well with any meat.
  • Use It Many Ways: You can enjoy this sauce with turkey at Thanksgiving or on desserts. It brings a special holiday feel to many dishes.
  • Make It Your Way: You can make the sauce just how you like it—thick or smooth.
  • Natural Ingredients: This sauce uses simple, natural ingredients. It’s healthier than the cranberry sauces you buy that have too much sugar and preservatives.
  • Easy and Quick: It only takes about 15 minutes to make this sauce, which is great when you’re busy but still want something tasty for your meal.
Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce
Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

🍎 Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce Ingredients

  • 4 eating apples (about 500 g/1.1 lbs)
  • 50 g unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves only
  • 300 g fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 50 ml quality spiced rum (optional alternative: 50 ml apple juice)

🍹 How To Make Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

  1. Prepare Apples: Peel, core, and chop the apples; set aside.
  2. Melt Butter: Heat butter in a pan over medium heat until golden.
  3. Add Syrup and Thyme: Stir in maple syrup until it starts to caramelize, then add thyme leaves.
  4. Mix Ingredients: Add apples, cranberries, and rum or juice to the pan; stir to combine.
  5. Cook the Sauce: Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens. Adjust thickness by adding water or letting it cook uncovered.
  6. Adjust Flavor: Taste and add more maple syrup if desired.
  7. Cool and Store: Transfer to a bowl, cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until needed.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Choosing Apples: Pick apples that are a bit sour like Granny Smith or Fuji. They help balance the sweet and tart tastes in the sauce.
  • Making It Thick or Thin: To make the sauce thicker, cook it without the lid for a few minutes at the end. If it’s too thick, add a little water while it cooks.
  • Sweetness: Check the sweetness when the sauce is almost done. Add more maple syrup if you want it sweeter.
  • Using Thyme: Fresh thyme tastes best. If you use dried thyme, only use a little because it has a stronger flavor.
  • No Alcohol: If you don’t want to use spiced rum, use apple juice instead. It works well with the other flavors and doesn’t have alcohol.
Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce
Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

🍰 What To Serve With Cranberry Sauce?

Cranberry Sauce pairs well with roasted turkey, grilled chicken, pork chops, or duck. It can also be served alongside mashed potatoes, roasted Brussels sprouts, sweet potato casserole, or green beans for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Cranberry Sauce?

  • Refrigerate: Store the cranberry sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 10-14 days.
    Freeze: For longer storage, freeze the sauce in a freezer-safe container for up to 2 months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight when ready to use.


Can I Use Frozen Cranberries For This Recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen cranberries. Just add them directly to the pan without thawing first.

What Kind Of Apples Work Best In This Recipe?

Tart apples like Granny Smith or Fuji work best as they balance the sweetness of the maple syrup and the tartness of the cranberries.

My Sauce Is Too Thick. What Should I Do?

If your sauce is too thick, add a small splash of water while it’s cooking and stir well.

My Sauce Is Too Thin. How Can I Thicken It?

Let the sauce simmer uncovered for a few extra minutes to let some of the liquid evaporate and thicken the sauce.

Can I Use Honey Instead Of Maple Syrup?

Yes, you can use honey, but it will change the flavor slightly. Use the same amount of honey as you would maple syrup.

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Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 81
  • Fat: 4.3g
  • Saturates: 2.5g
  • Sugars: 7.9g
  • Salt: 0g
  • Protein: 0.4g
  • Carbs: 8.1g
  • Fibre: 1.8g

Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: 15 minutesRest time: 5 minutesTotal time: 30 minutesServings:8 servingsCalories:81 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce is made with fresh cranberries, eating apples, unsalted butter, maple syrup, fresh thyme, and spiced rum. This easy Cranberry Sauce recipe creates a tasty sauce that takes about 20 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 8 people.



  1. Prepare Apples: Peel, core, and chop the apples; set aside.
  2. Melt Butter: Heat butter in a pan over medium heat until golden.
  3. Add Syrup and Thyme: Stir in maple syrup until it starts to caramelize, then add thyme leaves.
  4. Mix Ingredients: Add apples, cranberries, and rum or juice to the pan; stir to combine.
  5. Cook the Sauce: Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens. Adjust thickness by adding water or letting it cook uncovered.
  6. Adjust Flavor: Taste and add more maple syrup if desired.
  7. Cool and Store: Transfer to a bowl, cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until needed.


  • Choosing Apples: Pick apples that are a bit sour like Granny Smith or Fuji. They help balance the sweet and tart tastes in the sauce.
  • Making It Thick or Thin: To make the sauce thicker, cook it without the lid for a few minutes at the end. If it’s too thick, add a little water while it cooks.
  • Sweetness: Check the sweetness when the sauce is almost done. Add more maple syrup if you want it sweeter.
  • Using Thyme: Fresh thyme tastes best. If you use dried thyme, only use a little because it has a stronger flavor.
  • No Alcohol: If you don’t want to use spiced rum, use apple juice instead. It works well with the other flavors and doesn’t have alcohol.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Cranberry Sauce

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