Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake is made with olive oil, eggs, dark brown sugar, self-raising flour, baking powder, ground almonds, dark chocolate, stem ginger balls, and pear halves. This easy Gingerbread Cake recipe makes a tasty dessert in about 50 minutes and serves up to 10 people.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

🧡 Why You’ll Love This Gingerbread Cake Recipe:

  • Rich Flavor: The combination of dark chocolate, stem ginger, and pears creates a deliciously rich and unique flavor.
  • Moist Texture: The ground almonds and pear juice keep the cake moist and tender.
  • Easy to Make: This recipe is simple to follow, with clear instructions for both beginners and experienced bakers.
  • Versatile Serving Options: Enjoy it plain, with a drizzle of chocolate sauce, or with a scoop of ice cream.
  • Perfect for Any Occasion: This cake is great for holidays, special events, or just a cozy treat at home.
Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake
Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

🥚 Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake Ingredients

  • Olive oil (for greasing and 200ml for the batter)
  • 4 large eggs
  • 200g (1 cup) dark brown sugar
  • 200g (1 2/3 cups) self-raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 200g (2 cups) ground almonds
  • 100g (3.5 oz) dark chocolate (70%)
  • 100g (3.5 oz) stem ginger balls in syrup
  • 1 x 410g (14.5 oz) tin of pear halves in juice

🥮 How To Make Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

  1. Preheat Oven and Prepare Tray: Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Grease a 20cm x 30cm (8×12 inch) roasting tray with a little olive oil. Line it with damp greaseproof paper.
  2. Make the Batter: Crack the eggs into a large bowl. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and 200ml (3/4 cup) of olive oil. Then, fold in the flour, baking powder, and ground almonds.
  3. Add Chocolate and Ginger: Finely chop half of the dark chocolate and all the ginger. Fold them into the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared tray.
  4. Prepare Pears and Bake: Drain the pears, saving half of the juice. Slice the pears lengthways and arrange them on top of the batter, pressing them in slightly. Bake for 35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack and remove the paper.
  5. Make The Sauce: Place the empty tray over medium-high heat. Pour in the reserved pear juice and add 1-2 tablespoons of syrup from the stem ginger jar. Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. Snap in the remaining chocolate and stir until you have a smooth chocolate sauce.
  6. Serve: Drizzle the chocolate sauce over the cake. Serve it as is or with a scoop of ice cream for a delicious pudding.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Measure Everything Right: Make sure you measure all the ingredients exactly. Use a kitchen scale for the flour and sugar to get the best results.
  • Use Good Chocolate and Ginger: Choose high-quality dark chocolate (70%) and good stem ginger balls in syrup. This makes the cake taste much better.
  • Grease and Line the Tray Well: Grease the tray and line it with damp greaseproof paper. This stops the cake from sticking and makes it easy to take out.
  • Fold Gently: When you mix the batter, fold the ingredients gently. This keeps the cake light and fluffy. Over-mixing can make the cake heavy.
  • Check If It’s Done: Bake until a skewer comes out clean when you stick it in the center. Don’t overbake, or the cake will be dry. Check a few minutes before the time is up.
Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake
Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

🥃 What To Serve With Gingerbread Cake?

Gingerbread Cake goes well with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, fresh berries, and a warm cup of tea. It also can be served alongside a fruit compote, caramel sauce, chocolate drizzle, and toasted nuts for a delicious treat.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Gingerbread Cake?

  • Refrigerate: Store the gingerbread cake in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  • Freeze: Wrap the cake tightly in plastic wrap, then in aluminum foil, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge before serving.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Gingerbread Cake?

  • In The Oven: Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F. Place the cake on a baking sheet and cover it with foil. Heat for 10-15 minutes or until warm.
  • In The Microwave: Place a slice on a microwave-safe plate and heat on medium power for 30-60 seconds, or until warm.


What Is The Difference Between Gingerbread And Gingerbread Cake?

Gingerbread is firm cookies or houses made during holidays with ginger, molasses, and spices, while gingerbread cake is a moist, spiced cake enjoyed as a dessert with frosting, fruits, or sauce.

What Frosting Goes Best With Gingerbread Cake?

Cream cheese frosting pairs exceptionally well with gingerbread cake. Its tangy flavor complements the spiciness of the cake, creating a balanced and delicious combination.

What To Do With Leftover Gingerbread Cake?

You can use leftover gingerbread cake to make trifle or cake pops. Another option is to crumble it over ice cream or mix it into yogurt for a tasty treat.

What Fruit Goes With Gingerbread Cake?

Pears, apples, and figs are fruits that go wonderfully with gingerbread cake. They add a fresh, sweet contrast to the spicy flavors of the cake.

What To Put On Gingerbread Cake?

Top the cake with caramel sauce, powdered sugar, or whipped cream. Fresh fruits like pears or apples are also good choices.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 357
  • Fat: 24.2g
  • Saturates: 4.7g
  • Sugars: 20.4g
  • Salt: 0.2g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Carbs: 30.5g
  • Fibre: 1.3g

Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 35 minutesRest time: 5 minutesTotal time: 55 minutesServings:10 servingsCalories:357 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake is made with olive oil, eggs, dark brown sugar, self-raising flour, baking powder, ground almonds, dark chocolate, stem ginger balls, and pear halves. This easy Gingerbread Cake recipe makes a tasty dessert in about 50 minutes and serves up to 10 people.



  1. Preheat Oven and Prepare Tray: Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Grease a 20cm x 30cm (8×12 inch) roasting tray with a little olive oil. Line it with damp greaseproof paper.
  2. Make the Batter: Crack the eggs into a large bowl. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and 200ml (3/4 cup) of olive oil. Then, fold in the flour, baking powder, and ground almonds.
  3. Add Chocolate and Ginger: Finely chop half of the dark chocolate and all the ginger. Fold them into the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared tray.
  4. Prepare Pears and Bake: Drain the pears, saving half of the juice. Slice the pears lengthways and arrange them on top of the batter, pressing them in slightly. Bake for 35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack and remove the paper.
  5. Make The Sauce: Place the empty tray over medium-high heat. Pour in the reserved pear juice and add 1-2 tablespoons of syrup from the stem ginger jar. Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. Snap in the remaining chocolate and stir until you have a smooth chocolate sauce.
  6. Serve: Drizzle the chocolate sauce over the cake. Serve it as is or with a scoop of ice cream for a delicious pudding.


  • Measure Everything Right: Make sure you measure all the ingredients exactly. Use a kitchen scale for the flour and sugar to get the best results.
  • Use Good Chocolate and Ginger: Choose high-quality dark chocolate (70%) and good stem ginger balls in syrup. This makes the cake taste much better.
  • Grease and Line the Tray Well: Grease the tray and line it with damp greaseproof paper. This stops the cake from sticking and makes it easy to take out.
  • Fold Gently: When you mix the batter, fold the ingredients gently. This keeps the cake light and fluffy. Over-mixing can make the cake heavy.
  • Check If It’s Done: Bake until a skewer comes out clean when you stick it in the center. Don’t overbake, or the cake will be dry. Check a few minutes before the time is up.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Gingerbread Cake, jamie oliver gingerbread and pear cake

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