Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

Jamie Oliver’s Hash Brown is made with potatoes, onions, flour, eggs, salt, pepper, and olive oil offering a crispy texture with a fluffy inside, and is ready in 35 minutes!

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🧡 Why You’ll Love This Hash Brown Recipe:

  • Simplicity: With just a few basic ingredients, it’s easy to whip up these hash browns anytime.
  • Crispy Texture: Achieve a satisfying crunch on the outside while maintaining a fluffy interior.
  • Homemade Flavor: Enjoy the wholesome taste of freshly made hash browns that beats store-bought versions.
  • Versatility: Whether as a standalone breakfast item or a side dish, these hash browns adapt to any meal with flair.

❓ What Is Jamie Oliver’s Hash Brown Recipe?

Jamie Oliver’s Hash Browns Recipe features grated potatoes and onions mixed with flour, eggs, salt, and pepper, and cook until golden and crispy.

Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe
Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

🥔 Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Ingredients

  • 2 large potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablespoons plain flour
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 large free-range eggs
  • olive oil

🧆 How To Make Jamie Oliver Hash Brown

  1. Scrub the potatoes well and coarsely grind them with a box grater; peeling is not necessary.
  2. Peel the onions and cut them into thin slices.
  3. Put the onion and potato in a bowl lined with a clean tea towel.
  4. Seize the tea towel by its edges, twist it, and squeeze out all the excess liquid.
  5. Place in a mixing bowl, add the flour, and generously sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  6. Now crack in the eggs.
  7. Use a wooden spoon to thoroughly mix the egg.
  8. Heat a large nonstick frying pan, then add olive oil and spoonfuls of the mixture, being careful not to overcrowd it.
  9. Cook for 10 minutes without moving until a golden crust forms, then turn each one over.
  10. Continue cooking until golden brown and fully cooked then place on kitchen paper to drain before serving.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Remove Excess Moisture: Squeezing the liquid out of the potatoes and onions ensures a crispier result.
  • Hot Pan: Preheat your frying pan adequately before adding the mixture to achieve a golden crust.
  • Don’t Overcrowd: Give each hash brown enough space in the pan for even cooking and browning.
  • Season to Taste: Adjust salt and pepper according to your preference and experiment with additional herbs or spices for added flavor.
Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe
Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

🍝 What To Serve With Hash Brown?

Serve Hash Browns with Egg Salad, Fish Thai Green Curry, Seafood Risotto, Pasta Amatriciana, Pasta Peperonata, Creamy Seafood Pasta, Eggplant Caponata, Macaroni Cheese With Bacon, and Macaroni Cheese With Bacon.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Hash Brown?

  • In The Fridge: Keep leftover hash browns in an airtight container for 3 to 5 days.
  • In The Freezer: Freeze leftover hash browns in a single layer on a baking sheet, then transfer to a freezer bag for up to 4 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Hash Brown?

  • On The Stove: Reheat leftover hash brown in a lightly oiled skillet over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes, until heated through and crispy.
  • In The Microwave: Heat leftover hash browns in a microwave-safe dish for 30 seconds to 1 minute until warmed.
  • In The Air Fryer: Reheat leftover hash browns in an air fryer basket at 375°F for 3 to 5 minutes until hot and crispy.


Should you soak potatoes before making hash browns?

Yes, soaking shredded potatoes in cold water helps remove excess starch, resulting in crispier hash browns when cooked.

What potato is best for hash browns?

Starchy potatoes like Russets are ideal for hash browns due to their high starch content, resulting in a crispy texture.

What are the two types of hash browns?

The two types of hash browns are shredded, made from grated potatoes, and patties, formed from mashed or diced potatoes.

How to make hash browns that aren’t mushy?

To prevent mushy hash browns, remove excess moisture by using a potato ricer, citrus press, or wringing with a tea towel.

How do I get my hash browns to stick together?

Ensure potatoes are thoroughly dried before mixing with flour and egg to help bind hash browns together during cooking.

Try More  Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving

  • Calories 185
  • Total Fat 8g
  • Saturated Fat 2g
  • Trans Fat 0g
  • Sodium 440mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 25g
  • Dietary Fiber 3g
  • Sugars 1g
  • Protein 2g

Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 20 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time: 35 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:185 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver’s Hash Brown is made with potatoes, onions, flour, eggs, salt, pepper, and olive oil offering a crispy texture with a fluffy inside, and is ready in 35 minutes!



  1. Scrub the potatoes well and coarsely grind them with a box grater; peeling is not necessary.
  2. Peel the onions and cut them into thin slices.
  3. Put the onion and potato in a bowl lined with a clean tea towel.
  4. Seize the tea towel by its edges, twist it, and squeeze out all the excess liquid.
  5. Place in a mixing bowl, add the flour, and generously sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  6. Now crack in the eggs.
  7. Use a wooden spoon to thoroughly mix the egg.
  8. Heat a large nonstick frying pan, then add olive oil and spoonfuls of the mixture, being careful not to overcrowd it.
  9. Cook for 10 minutes without moving until a golden crust forms, then turn each one over.
  10. Continue cooking until golden brown and fully cooked then place on kitchen paper to drain before serving.


  • Remove Excess Moisture: Squeezing the liquid out of the potatoes and onions ensures a crispier result.
    Hot Pan: Preheat your frying pan adequately before adding the mixture to achieve a golden crust.
    Don’t Overcrowd: Give each hash brown enough space in the pan for even cooking and browning.
    Season to Taste: Adjust salt and pepper according to your preference and experiment with additional herbs or spices for added flavor.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Hash Brown Recipe

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