Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart is made with lamb heart, olive oil, garlic, lemon, and thyme. This gourmet Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart recipe creates a savory dinner that takes about 2 hours to prepare, including marinating time, and can serve up to 2-3 people.

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🤎 Why You’ll Love This Lamb Heart Recipe:

  • Great Taste: Lamb heart has a strong, tasty flavor that makes this dish special.
  • Good for Your Health: Eating lamb heart is good for you because it has lots of iron and protein.
  • Easy to Find Ingredients: This recipe uses simple ingredients that you can easily buy and that work well together.
  • Cooks Fast: After you marinate it, this dish doesn’t take long to cook, so it’s great when you need a quick but fancy dinner.
  • Many Ways to Serve: You can enjoy the lamb heart in different ways. Serve it as the main dish or add it to other meals to make them more exciting.
Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe
Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

🥩 Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Ingredients

  • 1 lamb heart, cut into 3 equal pieces
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • Zest and juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 sprig of thyme, leaves picked
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus extra flaky sea salt for garnish
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

🍖 How To Make Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart

  1. Mix the Marinade Ingredients: First, in a medium bowl, combine the olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, thyme leaves, salt, and black pepper to create the marinade.
  2. Add the Lamb Heart: Then, add the lamb heart pieces to the bowl. Ensure each piece is well coated with the marinade mixture.
  3. Refrigerate: Next, cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator. Let the lamb heart marinate for at least 2 hours, or ideally overnight for the best flavor.
  4. Prepare to Cook: After marinating, remove the lamb heart from the refrigerator. Gently shake off any excess marinade and remove bits of garlic and lemon zest.
  5. Sear the Lamb Heart: Then, heat a frying pan over high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the lamb heart pieces. Sear each piece for 1 minute on each side until well browned and caramelized.
  6. Rest and Serve: After searing, remove the lamb heart from the pan and let it rest for 3-5 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute, making the meat more tender and flavorful. Next, slice the lamb heart thinly. Finally, sprinkle with flaky sea salt as a garnish before serving.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Marinating Time: It’s best to let the lamb heart sit in the marinade all night. This gives it a better taste and makes it softer.
  • High Heat Searing: Make sure the pan is very hot before you put in the lamb heart. A hot pan cooks the meat well on the outside, keeping it juicy inside.
  • Clean the Meat: Take off any big pieces of garlic or lemon peel from the meat before you cook it. This helps cook the meat evenly and stops it from burning.
  • Rest the Meat: After cooking, wait for 3-5 minutes before you cut the meat. This wait helps the juices spread out in the meat, making it taste better and softer.
  • Thin Slicing: Cut the lamb heart into thin slices before you serve it. Thin slices look nice and are easier to eat.
Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe
Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

🍟 What To Serve With Lamb Heart?

Lamb Heart pairs well with roasted potatoes, steamed green beans, grilled asparagus, and caramelized carrots. It also can be served alongside a crisp green salad, buttery rice pilaf, sautéed mushrooms, and fresh bread for a delicious and complete meal.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Lamb Heart?

  • Refrigerate: Store the cooked lamb heart in an airtight container. It will keep well in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, freeze the lamb heart in a sealed container or freezer bag. It can be frozen for up to 2 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Lamb Heart?

  • In The Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the lamb heart slices on a baking tray and cover loosely with foil. Heat for about 10 minutes, or until warmed through.
  • In The Microwave: Place the lamb heart slices in a microwave-safe dish. Cover and heat on medium power for 1-2 minutes, checking regularly.
  • On the Stove: Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add the lamb heart slices and a splash of water or broth. Cover and heat for a few minutes until warm.


Can I Use A Different Type Of Oil Instead Of Olive Oil?

Yes, other oils like avocado or coconut oil are good too because they can handle high heat for cooking.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Have Fresh Thyme?

You can use 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme instead. Remember, dried thyme is stronger than fresh, so you need less.

How Do I Make Sure The Lamb Heart Is Cooked Right?

The lamb heart should be browned outside and soft inside. A meat thermometer should show 145°F (63°C) for the best doneness.

Can This Recipe Be Made Ahead Of Time?

Yes, you can put the lamb heart in the marinade the night before and cook it when you’re ready to eat. If you cook it earlier, you can keep it in the fridge and reheat when needed.

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Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 157
  • Total Fat 6.7g
  • Saturated Fat 2.7g
  • Cholesterol 212mg
  • Sodium 54mg
  • Potassium 159.8mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 1.6g
  • Dietary Fiber 0g
  • Protein 21g

Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: 5 minutesRest time:2 hours Total time:2 hours 15 minutesServings:2-3 servingsCalories:157 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart is made with lamb heart, olive oil, garlic, lemon, and thyme. This gourmet Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart recipe creates a savory dinner that takes about 2 hours to prepare, including marinating time, and can serve up to 2-3 people.



  1. Mix the Marinade Ingredients: First, in a medium bowl, combine the olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, thyme leaves, salt, and black pepper to create the marinade.
  2. Add the Lamb Heart: Then, add the lamb heart pieces to the bowl. Ensure each piece is well coated with the marinade mixture.
  3. Refrigerate: Next, cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator. Let the lamb heart marinate for at least 2 hours, or ideally overnight for the best flavor.
  4. Prepare to Cook: After marinating, remove the lamb heart from the refrigerator. Gently shake off any excess marinade and remove bits of garlic and lemon zest.
  5. Sear the Lamb Heart: Then, heat a frying pan over high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the lamb heart pieces. Sear each piece for 1 minute on each side until well browned and caramelized.
  6. Rest and Serve: After searing, remove the lamb heart from the pan and let it rest for 3-5 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute, making the meat more tender and flavorful. Next, slice the lamb heart thinly. Finally, sprinkle with flaky sea salt as a garnish before serving.


  • Marinating Time: It’s best to let the lamb heart sit in the marinade all night. This gives it a better taste and makes it softer.
  • High Heat Searing: Make sure the pan is very hot before you put in the lamb heart. A hot pan cooks the meat well on the outside, keeping it juicy inside.
  • Clean the Meat: Take off any big pieces of garlic or lemon peel from the meat before you cook it. This helps cook the meat evenly and stops it from burning.
  • Rest the Meat: After cooking, wait for 3-5 minutes before you cut the meat. This wait helps the juices spread out in the meat, making it taste better and softer.
  • Thin Slicing: Cut the lamb heart into thin slices before you serve it. Thin slices look nice and are easier to eat.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Lamb Heart Recipe

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