Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream is made with double cream, condensed milk, and Mint Aero bars (or Maltesers). This easy Mint Aero Ice Cream recipe makes a delicious dessert that takes about 4 hours and 15 minutes to make and serves up to 8 people.

This Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream Recipe Is From His Cookbook £1 Wonders.

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🤍 Why You’ll Love This Mint Aero Ice Cream Recipe:

  • Easy to Make: This recipe uses only three ingredients and is very simple, so anyone can make it.
  • Tasty Mint Flavor: The Mint Aero bars give the ice cream a yummy mint taste that goes perfectly with the creamy texture.
  • No Special Tools Needed: You don’t need an ice cream maker for this recipe, just a whisk and a bowl.
  • Change the Flavor: You can use Mint Aero bars or Maltesers, or any chocolate you like, to make your own favorite version.
  • Great for Guests: Make this ice cream ahead of time and keep it in the freezer. It’s a perfect and easy dessert for when you have friends or family over.
Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream
Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

🍦 Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream Ingredients

  • 600 ml (2 1/2 cups) double cream
  • 1 x 397 g (14 oz) tin of condensed milk
  • 2 x 90 g (3 oz) Mint Aero bars (or 1 x 175 g bag of Maltesers, plus extra to serve, if you prefer)

🍨 How To Make Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

  1. Whisk the Cream: First, place the double cream in a large bowl and whisk until soft peaks form.
  2. Fold in the Condensed Milk: Then, add the condensed milk to the whipped cream and gently fold it in until well combined.
  3. Prepare the Chocolate: Next, bash up the Mint Aero bars (or Maltesers) into different sizes – small bits, big bits, and dusty bits.
  4. Add the Chocolate to the Mixture: After that, fold most of the chocolate bits into the ice cream mixture, keeping a small handful to one side.
  5. Line the Container: Then, line a freezer-proof container or a small loaf tin with a sheet of baking paper.
  6. Pour the mixture into the Container: Next, pour the ice cream mixture into the prepared container, making sure it goes into the corners. Sprinkle the reserved chocolate bits on top.
  7. Freeze the Ice Cream: After that, place the container in the freezer for at least 4 hours, or until set.
  8. Thaw Before Serving: Once ready to serve, move the container from the freezer to the fridge about 1 hour before eating.
  9. Serve the Ice Cream: Finally, turn the ice cream out onto a board, remove the baking paper, and slice it into portions. Sprinkle extra chocolate on top if you like. Serve immediately.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Chill Your Tools: Put your mixing bowl and whisk in the fridge for 15-30 minutes before you start. This helps the cream whip faster and better.
  • Fold Carefully: When you mix the whipped cream and condensed milk, do it gently. This keeps the mixture fluffy and smooth.
  • Mix the Chocolate Well: Break the chocolate into different sizes and mix it well into the ice cream. This way, you get chocolate in every bite.
  • Freeze Long Enough: Freeze the ice cream for at least 4 hours, but it’s best to do it overnight. This makes sure the ice cream sets well and is easy to slice.
  • Thaw Before Serving: Move the ice cream from the freezer to the fridge 1 hour before you want to eat it. This softens it a bit, making it easier to cut and serve.
Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream
Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

🍒 What Pairs Nicely With Mint Aero Ice Cream?

Mint Aero Ice Cream goes well with fresh berries, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, or crushed nuts. It can also be served alongside a slice of cake, cookies, brownies, or fruit salad for a tasty dessert.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Mint Aero Ice Cream

  • Refrigerate: Move the ice cream from the freezer to the fridge about 1 hour before serving to soften it.
  • Freeze: Store any leftover ice cream in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 8 weeks.


Do I Need An Ice Cream Maker For This Recipe?

No, you don’t need an ice cream maker. A whisk and a bowl are enough.

How Long Should I Whisk The Cream?

Whisk the cream until soft peaks form. This usually takes about 3-5 minutes with an electric whisk.

Can I Add Other Mix-ins To This Ice Cream?

Yes, you can add nuts, fruit, or other candies to customize the flavor.

What Size Container Should I Use For Freezing The Ice Cream?

Use a freezer-proof container that holds at least 1.5 liters or a small loaf tin.

Why Is My Ice Cream Not Setting Properly?

Make sure to freeze the ice cream for at least 4 hours. If it’s still not set, your freezer may not be cold enough.

Why Did My Whipped Cream Turn Into Butter?

You may have over-whisked the cream. Whisk only until soft peaks form to avoid this.

How Can I Prevent Ice Crystals From Forming In My Ice Cream?

Ensure the mixture is well combined and freeze it quickly. Storing the ice cream in an airtight container also helps.

Why Is My Ice Cream Too Hard To Scoop?

Let the ice cream thaw in the fridge for about an hour before serving. This makes it easier to scoop.

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Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 336
  • Total Fat 27.9g
  • Saturated Fat 17.4g
  • Total Carbohydrate 19.2g
  • Dietary Fiber 0g
  • Sugar 19.2g
  • Protein 3.2g

Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: minutesRest time:4 hours Total time:2 hours 30 minutesServings:8 servingsCalories:336 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream is made with double cream, condensed milk, and Mint Aero bars (or Maltesers). This easy Mint Aero Ice Cream recipe makes a delicious dessert that takes about 4 hours and 15 minutes to make and serves up to 8 people.



  1. Whisk the Cream: First, place the double cream in a large bowl and whisk until soft peaks form.
  2. Fold in the Condensed Milk: Then, add the condensed milk to the whipped cream and gently fold it in until well combined.
  3. Prepare the Chocolate: Next, bash up the Mint Aero bars (or Maltesers) into different sizes – small bits, big bits, and dusty bits.
  4. Add the Chocolate to the Mixture: After that, fold most of the chocolate bits into the ice cream mixture, keeping a small handful to one side.
  5. Line the Container: Then, line a freezer-proof container or a small loaf tin with a sheet of baking paper.
  6. Pour the mixture into the Container: Next, pour the ice cream mixture into the prepared container, making sure it goes into the corners. Sprinkle the reserved chocolate bits on top.
  7. Freeze the Ice Cream: After that, place the container in the freezer for at least 4 hours, or until set.
  8. Thaw Before Serving: Once ready to serve, move the container from the freezer to the fridge about 1 hour before eating.
  9. Serve the Ice Cream: Finally, turn the ice cream out onto a board, remove the baking paper, and slice it into portions. Sprinkle extra chocolate on top if you like. Serve immediately.


  • Chill Your Tools: Put your mixing bowl and whisk in the fridge for 15-30 minutes before you start. This helps the cream whip faster and better.
  • Fold Carefully: When you mix the whipped cream and condensed milk, do it gently. This keeps the mixture fluffy and smooth.
  • Mix the Chocolate Well: Break the chocolate into different sizes and mix it well into the ice cream. This way, you get chocolate in every bite.
  • Freeze Long Enough: Freeze the ice cream for at least 4 hours, but it’s best to do it overnight. This makes sure the ice cream sets well and is easy to slice.
  • Thaw Before Serving: Move the ice cream from the freezer to the fridge 1 hour before you want to eat it. This softens it a bit, making it easier to cut and serve.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Mint Aero Ice Cream

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