Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti features fettuccine pasta, savory sardines, tangy tomato sauce, and zesty lemon juice. Ready in 20 minutes, it serves four, making it a quick and flavorful meal option.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

🧡Why You’ll Love Sardine Spaghetti Recipe

  • Quick Fix: Whip up a delicious meal in just 20 minutes, perfect for those hectic weeknights when time is short.
  • Budget-Friendly: Utilizes economical pantry staples, making it a wallet-friendly option for any meal plan.
  • Bold Flavors: The addition of sardines infuses the dish with a rich, savory taste, elevating it from ordinary pasta dishes.

❓ What Is Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti Recipe?

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti is a quick pasta dish made with fettuccine, onion, garlic, sardines, tomato sauce, Parmesan, lemon juice, and red pepper flakes.

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti
Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

🧅 Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti Ingredients

  • 8 ounces dry fettuccine pasta
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 medium lemon, juiced
  • 1 (3.75 ounces) can of sardines in tomato sauce
  • ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes, or to taste

🍝 How To Make Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

  1. First, fill a big pot with water and a little salt. Heat it until it’s boiling.
  2. Next, cook the fettuccine in the boiling water for about 8 minutes until it’s nearly soft.
  3. While the pasta is cooking, heat some oil in a pan over medium heat.
  4. Put in the onion and cook for about 3 minutes until it starts to get soft. Then add the garlic and cook for another minute until it smells nice.
  5. After that, add the sardines and tomato sauce to the pan. Mix it all together and let it heat through for about 3 minutes. Then lower the heat and let it simmer.
  6. Once the pasta is done, drain it and put it into the sauce. Stir it all together, then cover the pan and turn off the heat. Let it sit for 3 minutes.
  7. Squeeze some lemon juice over the pasta and divide it onto four plates. Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes on top before serving.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Don’t Overcook Pasta: Cook the fettuccine until it’s just al dente to prevent it from becoming mushy.
  • Infuse Flavor: Allow the onion and garlic to sauté until fragrant to enhance the dish’s aroma.
  • Adjust Seasonings: Taste the sauce before serving and adjust the red pepper flakes to suit your spice preference.
  • Simmer for Flavor: Letting the sauce simmer allows the flavors to meld together for a more harmonious taste.
Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti
Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

🥗 What To Serve With Sardine Spaghetti?

Serve sardine spaghetti with Spinach Salad, Roasted Beetroot Salad,Panzanella, Scotch Eggs, Stuffed Mushrooms,Mushrooms On Toast, Pork Kofta, or Sausage Rolls.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Sardine Spaghetti?

  • In the fridge: Store leftovers sardine spaghetti in an airtight container for 3 days.
  • In the freezer: Freeze leftovers sardine spaghetti in a freezer-safe container for 3 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Sardine Spaghetti?

  • In the oven: Reheat leftovers sardine spaghetti for 4 minutes at 350°F.
  • In the microwave: Heat leftovers sardine spaghetti on high for 2-3 minutes.
  • On the stove: Reheat leftovers sardine spaghetti for 2 minutes gently in a pan over low heat.
  • In the air-fryer: Air-fry leftovers sardine spaghetti for 5-7 minutes at 325°F.


Can I Use Canned Tuna Instead Of Sardines?

Yes, canned tuna can be used as a substitute. However, it will change the dish’s flavor profile slightly, as tuna has a milder taste compared to sardines.

How Do I Adjust The Thickness Of The Sauce?

To thicken the sauce, simmer it uncovered for a longer time to allow some of the liquid to evaporate. For a thinner sauce, add a splash of pasta cooking water.

How Do I Prevent The Pasta From Sticking Together?

Use a large pot with plenty of water and add salt before boiling. Stir the pasta occasionally while it cooks and avoid overcooking it.

How Do I Prevent The Garlic From Burning?

Cook the garlic over medium heat and stir frequently to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Remove it from the heat as soon as it turns golden brown and fragrant to avoid burning.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti Nutrition Fact:

  • Calories: 350
  • Total Fat: 13g
  • Saturated Fat: 3g
  • Cholesterol: 21mg
  • Sodium: 192mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 47g
  • Dietary Fiber: 4g
  • Total Sugars: 3g
  • Protein: 15g
  • Calcium: 158mg
  • Iron: 3mg
  • Potassium: 295mg

Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 10 minutesRest time: 3 minutesTotal time: 20 minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:350 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti features fettuccine pasta, savory sardines, tangy tomato sauce, and zesty lemon juice. Ready in 20 minutes, it serves four, making it a quick and flavorful meal option.



  1. First, fill a big pot with water and a little salt. Heat it until it’s boiling.
  2. Next, cook the fettuccine in the boiling water for about 8 minutes until it’s nearly soft.
  3. While the pasta is cooking, heat some oil in a pan over medium heat.
  4. Put in the onion and cook for about 3 minutes until it starts to get soft. Then add the garlic and cook for another minute until it smells nice.
  5. After that, add the sardines and tomato sauce to the pan. Mix it all together and let it heat through for about 3 minutes. Then lower the heat and let it simmer.
  6. Once the pasta is done, drain it and put it into the sauce. Stir it all together, then cover the pan and turn off the heat. Let it sit for 3 minutes.
  7. Squeeze some lemon juice over the pasta and divide it onto four plates. Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes on top before serving.


  • Don’t Overcook Pasta: Cook the fettuccine until it’s just al dente to prevent it from becoming mushy.
    Infuse Flavor: Allow the onion and garlic to sauté until fragrant to enhance the dish’s aroma.
    Adjust Seasonings: Taste the sauce before serving and adjust the red pepper flakes to suit your spice preference.
    Simmer for Flavor: Letting the sauce simmer allows the flavors to meld together for a more harmonious taste.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Sardine Spaghetti

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