Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet is made with smoked streaky bacon, red onions, fresh rosemary, fresh sage, leeks, chipolata sausages, bread, garlic, passata, butter beans, and haricot beans. This hearty Sausage Cassoulet recipe creates a cozy dinner that takes about 40 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.

This Recipe From Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals Cookbook.

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🧡 Why You’ll Love This Sausage Cassoulet Recipe:

  • It’s Very Comforting: This meal is full of warm, hearty ingredients like sausages, beans, and veggies. It’s perfect for making you feel cozy.
  • It Tastes Great: Every ingredient, from the bacon to the herbs, works together to make every bite delicious.
  • It’s Easy to Make: This recipe is simple. The steps are easy to follow, so anyone can make it at home.
  • It’s Good for Any Time: You can make this cassoulet for a regular family meal or a special party. It goes well with many different side dishes.
Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet
Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

🧅 Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet Ingredients

  • 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon
  • 1½ red onions
  • A few sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • ½ a small bunch of fresh sage
  • 3 fresh bay leaves
  • 2 leeks
  • 400g good-quality chipolata sausages
  • 3–4 thick slices of bread
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 × 680g jar of passata
  • 1 × 390g carton of butter beans
  • 1 × 390g carton of haricot beans
  • Olive oil for cooking
  • Sea salt and black pepper for seasoning

🥘 How To Make Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

  1. Preparation: Start by slicing the bacon about 1cm thick. Next, halve, peel, and slice the red onions. Pick the rosemary and most of the sage leaves, keeping a few sprigs back for later. Then, trim the leeks, slice down their length, wash away any grit, and finely slice them.
  2. Start Cooking: Place the sliced bacon in a sturdy roasting tray and add a few lugs of olive oil. Put this tray over a high heat. Then add the leeks, onions, rosemary, sage, and bay leaves to the tray. After that, add a few splashes of boiled water, stir everything together, and allow it to soften.
  3. Prepare Sausages: While the vegetables are cooking, lay the sausages in another roasting tray. Drizzle and rub a little olive oil over them. Next, put the sausages under the grill to cook for 8 minutes.
  4. Make Breadcrumbs: While the sausages are grilling, tear the bread slices into large chunks and put them into a food processor. Add a pinch of salt & pepper, half of the reserved sprigs of sage, and the garlic cloves. Pulse until you have coarse breadcrumbs.
  5. Combine Cassoulet: After the sausages are grilled, stir the passata and the beans (with their juices) into the tray of softened vegetables. Lay the grilled sausages on top. Then, sprinkle half of the breadcrumbs over the mixture, add the sausages, and sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top. Finally, drizzle with olive oil and scatter the remaining sage leaves over everything.
  6. Final Cooking: Place the roasting tray in the oven on the middle shelf. Cook for about 4 minutes, or until the breadcrumbs are crisp and golden.
  7. To Serve: Remove the cassoulet from the oven and it’s ready to serve hot. This dish pairs well with a bottle of red wine.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Watch the Sausages: Keep an eye on the sausages when you grill them. They should be nicely browned but not too dry.
  • Make Crispy Breadcrumbs: Break the bread into big pieces and pulse them in a food processor until they are chunky. These crispy breadcrumbs make the cassoulet extra tasty.
  • Layer Everything Right: Put the ingredients in the dish as the recipe says. This helps all the flavors mix well while it cooks.
Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet
Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

 ðŸ§† What To Serve With Sausage Cassoulet?

Sausage Cassoulet goes great with crunchy bread, a fresh salad, green beans, and sweet carrots. You can also have it with roasted potatoes, peas with butter, cooked spinach, and roasted Brussels sprouts for a tasty and full meal.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Sausage Cassoulet?

  • Refrigerate: Store the cassoulet in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, freeze the cassoulet in a sealed container for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Sausage Cassoulet?

  • In The Oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the cassoulet in an oven-safe dish, cover with foil, and heat for 20-25 minutes or until thoroughly warmed.
  • In The Microwave: Put the cassoulet in a microwave-safe dish and cover. Heat on high for 2-3 minutes, stir, and then continue heating for another 1-2 minutes.
  • On the Stove: Transfer the cassoulet to a saucepan and reheat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until hot.


What’s The Best Sausage For Cassoulet?

Chipolata sausages are recommended for their flavor and size, which work well in this cassoulet. However, you can also use other pork sausages that have a rich flavor and aren’t too lean.

Can I Use Dried Beans Instead Of Canned?

Yes, you can use dried beans. Soak them overnight and cook them until tender before adding them to the cassoulet.

Is It Possible To Make This Cassoulet Vegetarian?

To make a vegetarian version, substitute the sausages and bacon with vegetarian sausages and add more beans or vegetables like mushrooms and carrots for depth.

How Can I Thicken The Sauce If It’s Too Runny?

If the sauce is too runny after cooking, you can simmer the cassoulet uncovered for a few extra minutes to reduce it or mix in a small amount of flour or cornstarch dissolved in water.

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Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 352
  • Total Fat 18g
  • Saturated Fat 6.9g
  • Sodium 724mg
  • Total Carbs 28g
  • Net Carbs 21g
  • Dietary Fiber 7g
  • Total Sugars 3g
  • Protein 23g

Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 25 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time: 40 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:352 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet is made with smoked streaky bacon, red onions, fresh rosemary, fresh sage, leeks, chipolata sausages, bread, garlic, passata, butter beans, and haricot beans. This hearty Sausage Cassoulet recipe creates a cozy dinner that takes about 40 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 6 people.



  1. Preparation: Start by slicing the bacon about 1cm thick. Next, halve, peel, and slice the red onions. Pick the rosemary and most of the sage leaves, keeping a few sprigs back for later. Then, trim the leeks, slice down their length, wash away any grit, and finely slice them.
  2. Start Cooking: Place the sliced bacon in a sturdy roasting tray and add a few lugs of olive oil. Put this tray over a high heat. Then add the leeks, onions, rosemary, sage, and bay leaves to the tray. After that, add a few splashes of boiled water, stir everything together, and allow it to soften.
  3. Prepare Sausages: While the vegetables are cooking, lay the sausages in another roasting tray. Drizzle and rub a little olive oil over them. Next, put the sausages under the grill to cook for 8 minutes.
  4. Make Breadcrumbs: While the sausages are grilling, tear the bread slices into large chunks and put them into a food processor. Add a pinch of salt & pepper, half of the reserved sprigs of sage, and the garlic cloves. Pulse until you have coarse breadcrumbs.
  5. Combine Cassoulet: After the sausages are grilled, stir the passata and the beans (with their juices) into the tray of softened vegetables. Lay the grilled sausages on top. Then, sprinkle half of the breadcrumbs over the mixture, add the sausages, and sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top. Finally, drizzle with olive oil and scatter the remaining sage leaves over everything.
  6. Final Cooking: Place the roasting tray in the oven on the middle shelf. Cook for about 4 minutes, or until the breadcrumbs are crisp and golden.
  7. To Serve: Remove the cassoulet from the oven and it’s ready to serve hot. This dish pairs well with a bottle of red wine.


  • Watch the Sausages: Keep an eye on the sausages when you grill them. They should be nicely browned but not too dry.
  • Make Crispy Breadcrumbs: Break the bread into big pieces and pulse them in a food processor until they are chunky. These crispy breadcrumbs make the cassoulet extra tasty.
  • Layer Everything Right: Put the ingredients in the dish as the recipe says. This helps all the flavors mix well while it cooks.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Sausage Cassoulet, Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

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