Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake is made with carrots, gluten-free self-raising flour, flax eggs, soft brown sugar, sunflower oil, ground ginger, ground cinnamon, an eating apple, orange zest and juice, sultanas, and optional walnuts. For the icing, it uses vegan butter, icing sugar, vegan cream cheese, and walnuts for topping.

This simple, vegan dessert inspired by Jamie Oliver takes about 55 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 8 people.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Why You’ll Love Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe

  • Perfect for Special Diets: This recipe is both vegan and gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for anyone with dietary restrictions or preferences. It ensures everyone can enjoy a delicious slice without worry.
  • Full of Flavor: The combination of ground ginger, cinnamon, fresh orange zest, and juicy apple gives this cake a rich and comforting flavor that’s perfect for any season.
  • Easy to Customize: You can easily add your touch to this cake. The recipe is flexible; feel free to include nuts for added crunch or swap out the sultanas with other dried fruits if you like.
  • Simple Ingredients: The ingredients used are readily available in most supermarkets, and the vegan substitutes are straightforward, making this a hassle-free baking experience.
  • Impressive Yet Easy: This recipe strikes a perfect balance between being impressively delicious and straightforward to make. The detailed instructions ensure a foolproof baking process, making you feel like a skilled baker.
Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake
Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake Ingredients:

  • Vegan butter, for greasing
  • 225 g gluten-free self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 2 large flax eggs (2 tbsp ground flaxseed mixed with 6 tbsp water, let sit for 5 minutes)
  • 125 g soft brown sugar
  • 125 ml sunflower oil
  • 1½ teaspoons ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 eating apple
  • 200 g carrots
  • Zest and juice of 1 orange
  • 1 handful of sultanas
  • 50 g walnuts, optional

Icing Ingredients:

  • 75 g vegan butter, softened
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 75 g vegan cream cheese
  • 50 g walnuts

How To Make Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake:

  1. Prepare the Tin: Preheat your oven to 190ºC/375ºF/gas 5. Grease a springform cake tin (roughly 20cm) with vegan butter, line the base with greaseproof paper, then dust the sides with gluten-free flour.
  2. Mix the Ingredients: In a large bowl, mix the flax eggs, sugar, and oil. Sieve in the flour and spices, then fold through. Peel, core, and grate the apple and carrots, then stir them into the mixture along with the orange zest and juice and sultanas. If using, roughly chop and add the walnuts.
  3. Bake the Cake: Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin, placing it on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until golden and a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for about 5 minutes before turning it out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
  4. Prepare the Icing: Beat the vegan butter, icing sugar, and most of the orange zest until pale and smooth. Stir in the vegan cream cheese until just combined.
  5. Decorate and Serve: Once cooled, decorate the cake with the icing. Lightly crush the walnuts in a pestle and mortar and sprinkle on top. Finish with a grating of orange zest, then serve the cake.

Recipe Tips:

  • Flax Eggs Preparation: For the best texture in the cake, ensure the flax eggs are well-prepared by mixing the ground flaxseed with water and letting it sit until it becomes gelatinous, which usually takes about 5 minutes.
  • Orange Zest: When adding orange zest to both the cake and icing, use a fine grater to avoid getting the bitter white pith, which can affect the flavor of your cake.
  • Testing for Doneness: To check if the cake is fully baked, insert a skewer into the center. If it comes out clean without any wet batter, it’s done. Oven temperatures can vary, so start checking a few minutes before the recommended time.
  • Substitute for Vegan Cream Cheese: If you can’t find vegan cream cheese, you can blend soaked cashews with a bit of lemon juice and nutritional yeast to achieve a creamy consistency and tangy flavor similar to cream cheese.
  • Substitute for Vegan Butter in Icing: If vegan butter is unavailable, you can use coconut oil as a substitute. Make sure it is solid (not melted) when beating it with the icing sugar to maintain the frosting’s structure.
Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake
Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

What To Serve With Vegan Carrot Cake? 

This moist Vegan Carrot cake pairs well with vanilla ice cream, whipped coconut cream, a hot cup of cinnamon tea, or a cold glass of almond milk. It also can be served alongside fresh fruit salad, vegan yogurt, maple syrup drizzled nuts, or simply with more orange zest for a delicious finish.

How To Store Leftovers Vegan Carrot Cake?

  • Refrigerate: Store the cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days to keep it fresh.
  • Freeze: You can freeze the cake without the icing for up to 2 months. Wrap it well in cling film and then in foil. To thaw, leave it in the refrigerator overnight or at room temperature for a few hours before serving.


What Can I Use If I Don’t Have Gluten-free Self-raising Flour?

You can make your own by adding 1.5 teaspoons of gluten-free baking powder and 0.5 teaspoons of salt to each cup of gluten-free all-purpose flour.

Can I Use A Different Type Of Oil Instead Of Sunflower Oil?

Yes, you can use any neutral-flavored oil like canola or vegetable oil without affecting the cake’s taste or texture.

What If My Cake Isn’t Cooking Through In The Center?

If the cake is golden on the outside but not cooked in the center, cover it with foil and continue baking. This prevents the top from burning while the center cooks.

How Do I Know When The Flax Eggs Are Ready To Use?

The mixture will become thick and gelatinous after sitting for about 5 minutes, resembling the consistency of beaten eggs.

Can I Make Cupcakes With This Batter?

Yes, this batter can also be used to make cupcakes. Just adjust the baking time to about 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

More Jamie Oliver Recipe:

Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake Nutrition Fact:

  • Calories: 316
  • Total Fat: 19g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Total Carbs: 30g
  • Net Carbs: 25g
  • Dietary Fiber: 5g
  • Total Sugars: 19g

Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time: 35 minutesRest time: 5 minutesTotal time:1 hour Servings:8 servingsCalories:319 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake is made with carrots, gluten-free self-raising flour, flax eggs, soft brown sugar, sunflower oil, ground ginger, ground cinnamon, an eating apple, orange zest and juice, sultanas, and optional walnuts. For the icing, it uses vegan butter, icing sugar, vegan cream cheese, and walnuts for topping.

This simple, vegan dessert inspired by Jamie Oliver takes about 55 minutes to prepare and can serve up to 8 people.


  • Icing Ingredients:


  1. Prepare the Tin: Preheat your oven to 190ºC/375ºF/gas 5. Grease a springform cake tin (roughly 20cm) with vegan butter, line the base with greaseproof paper, then dust the sides with gluten-free flour.
  2. Mix the Ingredients: In a large bowl, mix the flax eggs, sugar, and oil. Sieve in the flour and spices, then fold through. Peel, core, and grate the apple and carrots, then stir them into the mixture along with the orange zest and juice and sultanas. If using, roughly chop and add the walnuts.
  3. Bake the Cake: Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin, placing it on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until golden and a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for about 5 minutes before turning it out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
  4. Prepare the Icing: Beat the vegan butter, icing sugar, and most of the orange zest until pale and smooth. Stir in the vegan cream cheese until just combined.
  5. Decorate and Serve: Once cooled, decorate the cake with the icing. Lightly crush the walnuts in a pestle and mortar and sprinkle on top. Finish with a grating of orange zest, then serve the cake.


  • Flax Eggs Preparation: For the best texture in the cake, ensure the flax eggs are well-prepared by mixing the ground flaxseed with water and letting it sit until it becomes gelatinous, which usually takes about 5 minutes.
  • Orange Zest: When adding orange zest to both the cake and icing, use a fine grater to avoid getting the bitter white pith, which can affect the flavor of your cake.
  • Testing for Doneness: To check if the cake is fully baked, insert a skewer into the center. If it comes out clean without any wet batter, it’s done. Oven temperatures can vary, so start checking a few minutes before the recommended time.
  • Substitute for Vegan Cream Cheese: If you can’t find vegan cream cheese, you can blend soaked cashews with a bit of lemon juice and nutritional yeast to achieve a creamy consistency and tangy flavor similar to cream cheese.
  • Substitute for Vegan Butter in Icing: If vegan butter is unavailable, you can use coconut oil as a substitute. Make sure it is solid (not melted) when beating it with the icing sugar to maintain the frosting’s structure.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver Vegan Carrot Cake

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